How to convert your 360 recordings into a street view player
Cameras known to work
insta360 X4 insta360 X3 insta360 X2 insta360 Pro 2 insta360 Pro insta360 Titan |
Applied Streetview Mosaic X Labpano Pilot One EE FLIR Ladybug 6 |
All other 360 recordings
Supported by import of a folder of equirectangular panoramas with EXIF metadata.
Free Evaluation
The 360camsters program is available for free for testing!
Download now.
Use your own recordings. Or give our test-data a try.
Forever Player
Players created with 360camsters continue to work, even when your subscription or license expires.
2.x Highlights
- Added support for insta360 X4, insta360 X3, insta360 X2, insta360 Pro, insta360 Pro2, insta360 Titan cameras.
- Added support for the Applied Streetview 8k+ 360 camera.
- Works with all equirectangular panoramas up to 32k by any 360 camera.
- Works with all Windows 10 or 11 PCs.
- Compatible with all 360camsters project backups.
- No special NVIDIA graphics card needed anymore.
- New tiles format.
2.0 Fixes
- Tour names: A tour name now matches the source name for easy recognition.
- Backup and Restore now works for extremely large projects. Also is faster.
- Import is a lot faster for large resolution panoramas.
- Improved user interface (UI).
Plans and Pricing
Get 360camsters for Free!
360camsters is the official reseller for the Applied Streetview 360 camera and software suite.
As well as for Mosaic 51 and Mosaic X cameras. |
Free Evaluation
Works for one week.
All features are enabled!
- Free!
- Optional one-click-publishing to the Amazon AWS cloud works out-of-the-box. No Amazon AWS account or setup required.
- Watermarks on the streetviews.
- Watermark on the player.
- Amazon cloud: “Frankfurt” AWS region only.
- Works for one week.
For a thorough evaluation of all the features get the 30-Day plan.
It does not renew.
Subscription plans (best value)
Monthly subscription
Annual subscription
One-time payment plans
Supported 360 cameras
All 360 cameras are supported.
After the recording first process your recordings with the program that comes with your 360 camera.
Alternatively download our insta360 X4 test footage.
The following 360 cameras are known to work:
- insta 360 X4
- insta 360 X3
- insta 360 X2
- insta 360 Pro 2
- insta 360 Pro
- insta 360 Titan
- Applied Streetview
- Mosaic 51 Stitching available. No manual processing needed!
- Mosaic X Stitching available. No manual processing needed!
- Labpano Pilot EE
- FLIR Ladybug 5
- FLIR Ladybug 6
- All others: Import a folder of equirectangular panoramas with EXIF metadata.
You can combine recordings of different manufacturers 360 cameras in the same project! No loss of resolution. Ideal for upgrades.
To be done once only.
Download the free 360camsters program and install it to your Windows 10 or 11 PC.
Create 3 folders: in, out and backups.
Open the 360camsters program.
Open Preferences -> Folders.
Set the 3 folders you just created: in, out and backups.
Recommended folders
Additionally you should create these folders to keep your data organized:
Masks, Logos, Export, Player templates.
Quick Guides
insta360 X4
For testing and learning please use short recordings.
A 1-minute recording driving around the block by car is ideal.
Having 3 or 4 short recordings of different blocks with some roads recorded twice allows you to test nearly all features. Record a block again the next day to give the Timeline feature a try.
No camera yet? Buy an insta360 X4.
Alternatively download our insta360 X4 test footage.
Mount the camera to a vehicle.
Do not use a selfie stick or just hold it in your hand.
Mount it upright, leveled and with the screen-side looking backwards.
Make sure the camera is mounted tight and does not move.
Otherwise the directions of your streetviews and the leveling will be off.
A cheap and easy mount is this magnetic mount. There are many others.
Positioning (GPS)
We recommend the Insta360 GPS Preview Remote for ease of use.
An alternative would be a mobile phone with GPS.
It even has the potential to provide a more accurate position by applying RTK by NTRIP.
Power supply
For long-time recording consider connecting an external power supply via USB.
We recommend the Insta360 X4 Mic Adapter that also provides a downward pointing USB socket for power supply (and charging) only.
Camera settings
Bitrate: 200
Video: 360, 8k/30
Color: Standard
Start early.
If you need to record a certain road or area, start at least 100 yards before.
Throwing away streetviews is way faster and easier than having trouble with data because the camera, GPS Preview Remote or mobile phone was still adjusting and not ready.
Keep it simple.
Avoid recording 200 short videos per day. Processing that many files individually with the insta360 Studio program needs way too much time.
Instead record longer videos. E.g. two videos in the morning and two in the afternoon.
Data transfer
Stop recording. Wait a minute to be sure all data is saved to the SD card.
Switch off the camera.
Remove the SD card.
Copy all folders from the SD card to the PC.
Alternatively download our insta360 X4 test footage.
insta360 Studio
Download the free insta360 Studio program. Install it. Launch it.
Drag all files from the DCIMCamera01 folder into the insta360 Studio program.
For each recording there should be 2 files:
VID_20240529_124405_00_071.insv <- Video, gps, gyro data.
LRV_20240529_124405_01_071.lrv <- Low Resolution Video for streaming live view
Top menu: Edit as “Media”, not “Project”.
Process each recording separately. Do not combine.
Right menu: “Stats” (4th icon from the top):
Activate “Route” to check the existence of the GPS data.
You should see a track overlay on the screen. After export it will not be visible.
Sometimes you might get a message similar to this on top of the image, and no track:
NO GPS DATA FROM 00:00 TO 00:02
This means that there is no position data for the first 2 seconds.
Fix this by moving the longer left slider slowly to the right until the track becomes visible.
Then move the shorter left slider to the same position to cut the first few seconds from the recording.
Top menu: Switch from “Reframe” to “360 View” (Eye icon) to see the whole recording in 360 mode.
This now would take a very long time as 30 video frames per second (30 fps) are stitched and exported. Let’s adjust this because for streetviews one frame per second is sufficient.
Bottom menu: Click on the Timeshift icon. (Lightning icon).
Use the sliders to mark the entire video red.
In the new Timeshift slider, select e.g “32”, which corresponds to app. “1 frame per second”.
When activating Timeshift, “Motion ND” is automatically activated too.
Switch “Motion ND” off with the “running man” icon to the right of the Time Shift icon.
Otherwise all frames of the exported .mp4 file will be blurry and unusable.
Bottom menu: Export (yellow icon):
Export 360 video
Bitrate: 200
Resolution: 8192 x 4096 (allows for the quickest processing with 360camsters)
Encoding format: H.264
Tick: [X] Export GPX file
Start Export
Camera: “insta360 X4”
Recordings: “Choose File”
Pick the mp4 file(s) created by insta360 Studio.
You can import many recordings at once.
Only .mp4 files are shown.
360camsters expects a .gpx file with the same file name as the .mp4 file in the same folder.
Should the import fail, check if the .gpx file really is there.
By default a new project is created. Each .mp4 file becomes a “Tour” of the project.
Alternatively you can pick an existing project to add the new recordings to it.
This even works when the project’s previous recordings are by a different manufacturer’s 360 camera and have a different resolution.
Optionally you can edit the project name.
Optionally you can add a note to your project. You can edit the note later.
Click the Start button.
After the initial Import the remaining workflow is the same for all recordings.
Continue with the Workflow chapter.
insta360 X3
Quick Guide
For testing and learning please use short recordings.
A 1-minute recording driving around the block by car is ideal.
Having 3 or 4 short recordings of different blocks with some roads recorded twice allows you to test nearly all features. Record a block again the next day to give the Timeline feature a try.
No camera yet? Buy an insta360 X3.
Alternatively download our insta360 X4 test footage.
Mount the camera to a vehicle.
Do not use a selfie stick or just hold it in your hand.
Mount it upright, leveled and with the screen-side looking backwards.
Make sure the camera is mounted tight and does not move.
Otherwise the directions of your streetviews and the leveling will be off.
A cheap and easy mount is this magnetic mount. There are many others.
Positioning (GPS)
We recommend the GPS Action Remote for ease of use.
An alternative would be a mobile phone with GPS.
It even has the potential to provide a more accurate position by applying RTK by NTRIP.
Power supply
For long-time recording consider connecting an external power supply via USB.
We recommend the Insta360 X3 Mic Adapter that also provides a downward pointing USB socket for power supply (and charging) only.
Camera settings
Bitrate: 200
Video: 360, 5.7k/30
Color: Standard
Start early.
If you need to record a certain road or area, start at least 100 yards before.
Throwing away streetviews is way faster and easier than having trouble with data because the camera, GPS Preview Remote or mobile phone was still adjusting and not ready.
Keep it simple.
Avoid recording 200 short videos per day. Processing that many files individually with the insta360 Studio program needs way too much time.
Instead record longer videos. E.g. two videos in the morning and two in the afternoon.
Data transfer
Stop recording. Wait a minute to be sure all data is saved to the SD card.
Switch off the camera.
Remove the SD card.
Copy all folders from the SD card to the PC.
Alternatively download our insta360 X4 test footage.
insta360 Studio
Download the free insta360 Studio program. Install it. Launch it.
Drag all files from the DCIMCamera01 folder into the insta360 Studio program.
For each recording there should be 3 files:
VID_20240529_113109_00_070.insv <- Video, gps, gyro data. One lens.
VID_20240529_113109_10_070.insv <- Video, gps, gyro data. Other lens.
LRV_20240529_113109_11_070.lrv <- Low Resolution Video for preview etc.
Top menu: Edit as “Media”, not “Project”.
Process each recording separately. Do not combine.
Right menu: “Stats” (4th icon from the top):
Activate “Route” to check the existence of the GPS data.
You should see a track overlay on the screen. After export it will not be visible.
Sometimes you might get a message similar to this on top of the image, and no track:
NO GPS DATA FROM 00:00 TO 00:02
This means that there is no position data for the first 2 seconds.
Fix this by moving the longer left slider slowly to the right until the track becomes visible.
Then move the shorter left slider to the same position to cut the first few seconds from the recording.
Top menu: Switch from “Reframe” to “360 View” (Eye icon) to see the whole recording in 360 mode.
Bottom menu: Export (yellow icon):
Export 360 video
Bitrate: 200
Resolution: 8192 x 4096 (allows for the quickest processing with 360camsters)
Encoding format: H.264
Tick: [X] Export GPX file
This would take a very long time as 30 video frames per second (30 fps) are stitched and exported. Let’s adjust this because for streetviews one frame per second is sufficient.
Bottom menu: Click on the Timeshift icon. (Lightning icon).
Use the sliders to mark the entire video red.
In the new Timeshift slider, select e.g “32”, which corresponds to app. “1 frame per second”.
When activating Timeshift, “Motion ND” is automatically activated too.
Switch “Motion ND” off with the “running man” icon to the right of the Time Shift icon.
Otherwise all frames of the exported .mp4 file will be blurry and unusable.
Start Export
Camera: “insta360 X3”
Click Choose File.
Pick the mp4 file(s) created by insta360 Studio.
You can import many recordings at once.
Only .mp4 files are shown.
360camsters expects a .gpx file with the same file name as the .mp4 file in the same folder.
Should the import fail, check if the .gpx file really is there.
By default a new project is created. Each .mp4 file becomes a “Tour” of the project.
Alternatively you can pick an existing project to add the new recordings to it.
This even works when the project’s previous recordings are by a different manufacturer’s 360 camera and have a different resolution.
Optionally you can edit the project name.
Optionally you can add a note to your project. You can edit the note later.
Click the Start button.
After the initial Import the remaining workflow is the same for all recordings.
Continue with the Workflow chapter.
insta360 X2
Quick Guide
For testing and learning please use short recordings.
A 1-minute recording driving around the block by car is ideal.
Having 3 or 4 short recordings of different blocks with some roads recorded twice allows you to test nearly all features. Record a block again the next day to give the Timeline feature a try.
No camera yet? Buy an insta360 X2.
Alternatively download our insta360 X4 test footage.
Mount the insta360 X2 camera to a vehicle.
Do not use a selfie stick or just hold it in your hand.
Mount it upright, leveled and with the screen-side looking backwards.
Make sure the camera is mounted tight and does not move.
Otherwise the directions of your streetviews and the leveling will be off.
A cheap and easy mount is this magnetic mount. There are many others.
Positioning (GPS)
We recommend the GPS Action Remote for ease of use.
An alternative would be a mobile phone with GPS.
It even has the potential to provide a more accurate position by applying RTK by NTRIP.
Power supply
For long-time recording consider connecting an external power supply via USB.
Camera settings
Bitrate: 200
Video: 360, 5.7k/30
Color: Standard
Start early.
If you need to record a certain road or area, start at least 100 yards before.
Throwing away streetviews is way faster and easier than having trouble with data because the camera, GPS Preview Remote or mobile phone was still adjusting and not ready.
Keep it simple.
Avoid recording 200 short videos per day. Processing that many files individually with the insta360 Studio program needs way too much time.
Instead record longer videos. E.g. two videos in the morning and two in the afternoon.
Data transfer
Stop recording. Wait a minute to be sure all data is saved to the SD card.
Switch off the camera.
Remove the SD card.
Copy all folders from the SD card to the PC.
Alternatively download our insta360 X4 test footage.
insta360 Studio
Download the free insta360 Studio program. Install it. Launch it.
Drag all files from the DCIMCamera01 folder into the insta360 Studio program.
For each recording there should be 3 files:
VID_20220519_133942_00_011.insv <- Video, gps, gyro data. One lens.
VID_20220519_133942_10_011.insv <- Video, gps, gyro data. Other lens.
LRV_20220519_133942_11_011.insv <- Low Resolution Video for preview etc.
Top menu: Edit as “Media”, not “Project”.
Process each recording separately. Do not combine.
Right menu: “Stats” (4th icon from the top):
Activate “Route” to check the existence of the GPS data.
You should see a track overlay on the screen. After export it will not be visible.
Sometimes you might get a message similar to this on top of the image, and no track:
NO GPS DATA FROM 00:00 TO 00:02
This means that there is no position data for the first 2 seconds.
Fix this by moving the longer left slider slowly to the right until the track becomes visible.
Then move the shorter left slider to the same position to cut the first few seconds from the recording.
Top menu: Switch from “Reframe” to “360 View” (Eye icon) to see the whole recording in 360 mode.
Bottom menu: Export (yellow icon):
Export 360 video
Bitrate: 200
Resolution: 8192 x 4096 (allows for the quickest processing with 360camsters)
Encoding format: H.264
Tick: [X] Export GPX file
This would take a very long time as 30 video frames per second (30 fps) are stitched and exported. Let’s adjust this because for streetviews one frame per second is sufficient.
Bottom menu: Click on the Timeshift icon. (Lightning icon).
Use the sliders to mark the entire video red.
In the new Timeshift slider, select e.g “32”, which corresponds to app. “1 frame per second”.
When activating Timeshift, “Motion ND” is automatically activated too.
Switch “Motion ND” off with the “running man” icon to the right of the Time Shift icon.
Otherwise all frames of the exported .mp4 file will be blurry and unusable.
Start Export
Camera: “insta360 X2”
Click Choose File.
Pick the mp4 file(s) created by insta360 Studio.
You can import many recordings at once.
Only .mp4 files are shown.
360camsters expects a .gpx file with the same file name as the .mp4 file in the same folder.
Should the import fail, check if the .gpx file really is there.
By default a new project is created. Each .mp4 file becomes a “Tour” of the project.
Alternatively you can pick an existing project to add the new recordings to it.
This even works when the project’s previous recordings are by a different manufacturer’s 360 camera and have a different resolution.
Optionally you can edit the project name.
Optionally you can add a note to your project. You can edit the note later.
Click the Start button.
After the initial Import the remaining workflow is the same for all recordings.
Continue with the Workflow chapter.
insta360 Titan
Quick Guide
For testing and learning please use short recordings.
A 1-minute recording driving around the block by car is ideal.
Having 3 or 4 short recordings of different blocks with some roads recorded twice allows you to test nearly all features. Record a block again the next day to give the Timeline feature a try.
No camera yet? Buy an insta360 Titan.
Alternatively download our insta360 X4 test footage.
Mount the camera to a vehicle.
Mount it upright, leveled and the correct camera looking forward.
Make sure the camera is mounted properly and does not move.
Otherwise the directions of your streetviews and the leveling will be off.
Positioning (GPS)
Ensure you have a GPS lock.
Power supply
For long-time recording consider additional insta360 Titan batteries.
Start early.
If you need to record a certain road or area, start at least 100 yards before.
Throwing away streetviews is way faster and easier than having trouble with data when processing because the equipment was still adjusting and not ready.
Keep it simple.
Avoid recording 200 short videos per day. Processing that many files individually with the insta360 Studio program needs way too much time.
Instead record longer videos. E.g. two videos in the morning and two in the afternoon.
Data transfer
Stop recording. Wait a minute to be sure all data is saved to the 9 SD cards.
Switch off the camera.
Remove the 9 SD cards.
Save all the files from the 9 SD cards to the same folder on your PC.
Files list for a single recording:
Insta360 Pro STITCHER
Download the Insta360 Pro STITCHER 4.0 (as of June 2024) program.
Install it. Launch it.
Drag the folder (NOT the files) from the PC into the Insta360 Pro STITCHER program.
To be added.
Camera: “insta360 Titan”
To be added.
After the initial Import the remaining workflow is the same for all recordings.
Continue with the Workflow chapter.
insta360 Pro 2
Quick Guide
For testing and learning please use short recordings.
A 1-minute recording driving around the block by car is ideal.
Having 3 or 4 short recordings of different blocks with some roads recorded twice allows you to test nearly all features. Record a block again the next day to give the Timeline feature a try.
No camera yet? Buy an insta360 Pro 2.
Alternatively download our insta360 X4 test footage.
Mount the camera to a vehicle.
Mount it upright, leveled and the correct camera looking forward.
Make sure the camera is mounted properly and does not move.
Otherwise the directions of your streetviews and the leveling will be off.
Positioning (GPS)
Ensure you have a GPS lock.
Power supply
For long-time recording consider connecting an external power supply.
Start early.
If you need to record a certain road or area, start at least 100 yards before.
Throwing away streetviews is way faster and easier than having trouble with data when processing because the equipment was still adjusting and not ready.
Keep it simple.
Avoid recording 200 short videos per day. Processing that many files individually with the insta360 Studio program needs way too much time.
Instead record longer videos. E.g. two videos in the morning and two in the afternoon.
Data transfer
Stop recording. Wait a minute to be sure all data is saved to the SD cards.
Switch off the camera.
Remove the SD cards.
Save all the files from the SD cards to the same folder on your PC.
Files list for a single recording:
Insta360 Pro STITCHER
Download the Insta360 Pro STITCHER 4.0 (as of June 2024) program.
Install it. Launch it.
Drag the folder (NOT the files) from the PC into the Insta360 Pro STITCHER program.
Process into a .mp4 file of 8k resolution.
Settings that worked for our PC:
Camera: “insta360 Pro 2”
Click Choose File.
Pick the mp4 file(s) created by insta360 Stitcher.
You can import many recordings at once.
By default a new project is created. Each .mp4 file becomes a “Tour” of the project.
Alternatively you can pick an existing project to add the new recordings to it.
This even works when the project’s previous recordings are by a different manufacturer’s 360 camera and have a different resolution.
Optionally you can edit the project name.
Optionally you can add a note to your project. You can edit the note later.
Click the Start button.
After the initial Import the remaining workflow is the same for all recordings.
Continue with the Workflow chapter.
Applied Streetview
Quick Guide
No camera yet? Buy your Applied Streetview camera from us.
Receive 360camsters for free for 1 year. This offer saves you 890 Euro!
For testing and learning please use short recordings.
A 1-minute recording driving around the block by car is ideal.
Having 3 or 4 short recordings of different blocks with some roads recorded twice allows you to test nearly all features. Record a block again the next day to give the Timeline feature a try.
Alternatively download our Applied Streetview test footage.
See the Camera manual for how to mount the camera properly.
Positioning (GPS)
See the Camera manual for how to mount the GNSS-aided INS (“GPS receiver”).
See the Alignment manual for custom GPS antenna positioning.
See the RTK manual for optional RTK by NTRIP setup.
Power supply
For long-time recording use the mobile Uninterruptible Power Supply (mUPS). Inquiry.
Start early.
If you need to record a certain road or area, start at least 100 yards before.
Keep it simple.
Avoid recording 200 short tour per day. Processing that many tours is a time consuming mess. Instead record longer tours. E.g. a tour in the morning and a tour in the afternoon.
You can always delete (de-activate) unwanted panoramas in the Applied Streetview Creator program.
Data transfer
See the Remote Control manual for how to remove the SSD with the recordings.
See the Creator to handle the recordings.
See the Creator manual for how to process the recordings.
Camera: “Applied Streetview”
Click Choose File.
Pick the /projectname/panoramas/ folder created by the Creator program.
Or import a parent folder with many subfolders containing the panoramas. Each subfolder becomes a tour.
By default a new project is created. Each folder becomes a “Tour” of the project.
Alternatively you can pick an existing project to add the new recordings to it.
This even works when the project’s previous recordings are by a different manufacturer’s 360 camera and have a different resolution.
Optionally you can edit the project name.
Optionally you can add a note to your project. You can edit the note later.
Click the Start button.
After the initial Import the remaining workflow is the same for all recordings.
Continue with the Workflow chapter.
Mosaic 51 and Mosaic X
Quick Guide
No camera yet? Buy your Mosaic camera from us
Receive 360camsters for free for 1 year. This offer saves you 890 Euro!
For the Mosaic 51 and Mosaic X cameras the 360camsters program offers optional stitching with the SGO Mistika VR program.
In case you already processed your recordings into “Equirectangular jpg files with EXIF metadata” you can skip the installation of Mistika VR.
Instead when importing pick: Camera: Folder of jpg Panoramas.
Mistika VR Setup
To be done once only.
Afterwards during import 360camsters will automatically stitch the Mosaic 51 or Mosaic X recordings with Mistika VR for you.
Mosaic customers
With each camera Mosaic provides a SGO Mistika VR coupon worth 297 Euro.
With it you can get a 90-day license for Mistika VR for free.
No credit card needed.
It works best to sign up at the SGO website with your email address and password.
Avoid the Continue with Google option. In our experience it’s troublesome later when you need to log into your SGO account in the SGO Activation Manager program.
More info
Just purchase one of the many subscriptions or one-time licenses. The cheapest working option is the Monthly Subscription – Personal Edition for 49 Euro.
The free Evaluation Edition license will not work!
You can cancel it any time. Even immediately. It then will continue to work for 1 month.
You get an email with a license code that looks similar to this:
Log into your SGO account and open:
Download MistikaVR 10.10.0 for Windows.
Only install it. Do not start it!
On your PCs Desktop open the SGO activation tool.
Log in with your SGO account with your email address and password.
Enter your activation code and activate it.
Close the SGO activation tool.
The setup is finished.
360camsters now can use Mistika VR to stitch the Mosaic recordings for you upon import as “reels”.
Copy the data from the Mosaic USB-SSD to your PC.
Import your recordings from your PC.
Pick one or many reel folder(s):
Set your Mosaic cameras .gpr file. (Provided by Mosaic by email.)
After the initial Import the remaining workflow is the same for all recordings.
Continue with the Workflow chapter.
Main Features
360camsters is a Mobile Mapping application.
To manage the recordings of your 360 camera(s).
Then to convert them into a performant streetview player capable of displaying millions of streetviews.
The resulting street view player can be viewed in many ways:
- 36camsters: Player -> Preview.
- 36camsters: Export -> View Player
- 36camsters: Use the built-in Publisher to upload to the Amazon cloud.
- On your Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC by e.g. free krpano testing server.
- Copy the player to your Windows Server.
- ftp the player to any webserver. E.g. Apache, NGINX, IIS. Both shared and dedicated hosting works.
- Upload to any cloud. E.g. Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure.
For the Amazon AWS cloud there is a built-in Publisher.
Also the 360camsters program itself can be installed to a server or a cloud.
Then upload the recordings and operate it by Remote Desktop Connection (RDP).
- Privacy
Perfect privacy by local installation, processing and optional publishing.
Alternatively you have the option to run the program in a cloud.
- Publishing
To your own PC, servers, shared or dedicated hosting, Amazon AWS, Google cloud, Azure cloud, as well as to literally any webserver.
There is no obligation to publish to the public. - Project Size
For up to country-size projects with millions of street views.
- Timeline
Record the same multiple times for a before / after comparison.
- Embedding
Control the player by its javascript API in any web-page. - Versatile
Mix recordings from many different recordings. Even by different cameras from different brands.
- Localisation
Add your own translations to the player.
Default languages provided: English, Spanish, German, Arabic, Greek. - Map
Pick one of 30 provided maps or aerial images. Or use your own maps. - Mapbox
Use your Mapbox maps for the player.
360camsters supports different resolution footage from different 360 camera brands
in the same project and the same player.
This is ideal for upgrading from a lower resolution 360 camera e.g. the 5.7k insta 360 Pro 2 to a higher resolution 360 camera e.g. the 12k Mosaic 51 camera.
To have both the old and new cameras recordings in the same project and to show it in the same player.
When importing 360 recordings 360camsters creates equirectangular panoramas. If needed by upscaling.
Camera | Camera Resolution | 360camsters
Streetview Size |
Insta 360 X4
Insta 360 X3 Insta 360 X2 Insta 360 Pro 2 Insta 360 Pro Labpano Pilot One EE Applied Streetview |
5.7k 5.7k 8k 4k 8k (7680 x 3840) 8k+ (8192 x 4096) |
8192 x 4096 |
Insta 360 Titan
Mosaic 51 |
11k (10560 x 5280)
12k (12288 x 6144) |
12288 x 6144 |
Mosaic X
Custom camera |
16k |
16384 x 8192 |
Custom camera | 24k | 24576 x 12288 |
Custom camera | 32k | 32768 x 16384 |
Data formats
In addition to camera-specific recordings, folders with equirectangular panoramas with EXIF metadata are supported.
You also can import a project folder with subfolders of panoramas. The subfolders then become individual tours.
When embedding the player into any html page as an iframe, you now can control it from the html page by javascript.
See the working API examples on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution. You can combine many examples into one player.
Working examples are also automatically added to each project of yours:
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Click anywhere on the map, and the player will show you what it looks like.
Navigate the player, and the map will update.
On the left side it shows an external map. In this case Leaflet.
The map could be any map. E.g. Leaflet, Openlayers or Google map, etc.
On the right side it shows the player in an iframe. With the new Layout streetview only.
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Asset API
To view an asset by its Latitude and Longitude.
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Timeline API
Switch the timeline for a “before and after” comparison.
You also can have many timelines. E.g. 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Screenshot API
Take a screenshot of the currently visible part of the streetview. E.g zoom in to show a specific issue.
Ideal to add photos to a pdf file or a database.
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Data API
Get all the data available for the street view.
Data shown:
- Streetview ID
- Label
- Timeline
- Latitude, Longitude, Altitude
- Viewing direction (0-360 degree like on a compass)
- Vertical viewing direction (up and down)
- Zoom
- Date and time + timezone
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
360camsters can be installed to a Windows 10 PC or Windows 11 PC or to the Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services EC2 or Microsoft Azure.
Windows 10 PC or Windows 11 PC
For a local installation the minimum requirement is a Windows 10 or 11 PC.
The 360camsters program itself can be installed to a cloud.
You then can operate it by Remote Desktop Connection (RDP).
We tested Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services EC2 and Microsoft Azure.
Approximately 120.000 streetviews/day.
Your results will vary a lot depending on your specific hardware and setup.
You should get a performance of about 120.000 streetviews/day.
Your results will vary a lot depending on your specific hardware and setup.
For best performance we recommend different drives for the in and out folders.
SSDs will be the fastest. Followed by HDDs. NAS can be very slow.
Windows Virus and Thread protection
We strongly recommend adding the following exclusions to Microsoft Windows Virus and Thread protection.
This can speed up processing by 300%.
Please deactivate any third-party virus scanners.
Or apply the following settings correspondingly.
Get the 360camsters program, this manual and recordings of many 360 cameras:
Player Performance
The player has been designed for very large projects with millions of street views.
There are only static files. Not even php. For this there is no need for complicated load balancing etc. Publishing the player to a server or cloud is sufficient.
Publishing to the Amazon cloud is up to 80% cheaper than a player hosted in a conventional datacenter. Also there is virtually no maintenance when publishing to a cloud.
It has never been easier to prepare for your 15 minutes of internet fame.
Just add CloudFront as a CDN to your player. You even can create a custom URL for your own domain.
Update Policy
With a valid license (subscription or one-time payment) you automatically get the newest release.
At the start the program automatically checks and displays a pop-up that allows you to update.
Additionally you can check and update yourself anytime at
Menu: Help -> About: Check for update.
Backup often.
This way you can import the last “good” backup anytime to continue.
It is best practice to always have an up-to-date backup of both your data and the project backups on a disconnected drive.
If the drive is connected to your network and powered up it is just a copy, not a backup.
You can back up one or many project(s), tours(s), or just the player configuration(s) incl. the translations.
Sources or generated data (streetviews and players) are never part of a project backup. Back them up separately.
Data safety
This program can not edit or delete your source recordings.
The Import chapters are cameras specific.
This Workflow chapter then is the same for all recordings.
In case you do not have a 360 camera yet, use our insta360 X4 test footage.
Basic workflow
Follow the menu from the top to the bottom.
Skip menu items you do not want.
Go back and forth to make adjustments.
Last step is to Export.
After Export click Export -> View Player to test the generated player.
Project size
For testing and learning, start with a small project.
This way changes can be processed faster.
Video for street views
Some 360 cameras record at 30 frames per second (30 fps) while others allow to reduce the frame rate. Or to record by a custom distance between the streetviews. E.g. every 5 m.
The standard video 30 fps is way too much data for a streetview player. Processing and uploading takes a really long time. Hosting is more expensive.
Possible solutions:
- Reduce the amount of footage by recording at lower framerate
- Reduce the framerate when stitching with the cameras stitching program
- Skip frames in 360camsters (fully configurable)
Availability depends on the cameras stitching software. Insta360 Studio provides the Timeshift feature for this.
360camsters provided the fully configurable Skip feature to reduce the footage before processing and uploading.
The list of all your projects.
Click the project name to open it. The Tours tab will open.
Import Backups
Import one or many project backups.
Manual project backups to be found in the /out/Backups folder.
Export automatically creates a backup in the /out/projectname/backups folder.
This is only for this program’s data.
Sources or generated data is never part of a backup.
In case a backup is from another PC, the paths to the recordings must be adjusted on the Tours tab.
Backup All
Backup all your projects with just one mouse click.
This is only for this program’s data. Sources or generated data is never part of a backup.
Additionally you can Edit, Backup or Delete a single project.
This is only for this program’s data. Sources or generated data is never part of a backup.
This program can not change or delete your source data.
It is best practice to always have an up-to-date backup of your data and the project backups on a disconnected drive.
If the drive is connected to your network and powered up it is just a copy, not a backup.
A list of all the tours of a Project.
The project’s tours can be from different cameras, even different camera brands.
Show on map
Click All or a tour to open the Map tab.
Import Backup
Import a tour backup. One or many tour backups can be imported at the same time.
Change Folder
When migrating backups from one PC to another or when the project’s in folder has been moved: Select all the tours and click the CHANGE FOLDER button. Then set the path to the new in folder.
If the project has e.g. additional tours that have been moved or copied from a different project, then tick those new tours individually and Click CHANGE FOLDER button.
Move selected tours to a different project.
This is for this program’s data only. Sources or generated data are never moved.
Copy selected tours to a different project.
This is for this program’s data only. Sources or generated data are never copied.
Backup selected tours.
This is for this program’s data only. Sources or generated data are never part of a backup.
Deletes the selected tours from the project.
This program can not change or delete your source data.
You should consider doing a backup first. Just in case.
In order to display a large amount of streetviews on the map, streetviews are clustered together, depending on the map zoom level.
A cluster is basically a collection of streetviews.
Clusters are displayed for zoom levels 0 to 19 only. Zoom levels 20 , 21 etc. always show all streetviews individually.
Change map base layer
Click the button in the top left corner to change the map base layer.
Esri.WorldImagery is the default. Select a different provider from the list. Or provide your own custom map tiles by clicking the button.
Custom map tiles
The slippy map tiles format is supported with both Google/Bing/OSM tile coordinates and TMS.
Also works with raster data.
See the Mapbox chapter for the URL format.
Your custom tiles provider name
The URL can point to an online resource:
Change the bold parts of the address.{z}/{x}/{y}.png
A local folder or NAS drive:
Change the bold parts of the address.
{z} is the zoom level, and {x} and {y} are the coordinates of the top left corner of the tile in web mercator projection. For the TMS format use the {–y} placeholder.
Copyright information displayed at the bottom of the map.
Check the Mapbox section for instructions.
Show or hide icons for active and deactivated streetviews.
Usually more footage than needed is recorded.
The Duplicate Remover and the Skip tool as well as manual deactivation on the map page can be used to reduce the number of streetviews to be published.
Activated streetviews have a white outline.
Deactivated streetviews have a gray outline.
Show the selected tours on the map.
Click a tour to zoom to it.
Click ALL to center the map on all the tours.
Untick to hide all tours. Then tick selected tours to show only them.
Only available when timelines have been created.
Show the selected timelines on the map.
Click ALL to center on all the timelines.
Untick to hide all timelines. Then tick selected timelines to show only them.
Select streetviews
Most of the actions like activate/deactivate, move, rotate, assign a road name or POI are performed on one or many selected streetviews.
Click a streetview to select it. A selected streetview will change its color to orange.
It’s possible to select multiple streetviews by holding down the CTRL key when clicking on the streetviews.
Holding down the SHIFT key and then drag the mouse to select all the streetviews in a rectangle.
To select all the streetviews from first to last and everything in between, select the first streetview, then while holding down the ALT key, select the last one streetview.
To deselect click anywhere on the map or press the ESC key.
Deactivate and Activate
Select the streetviews.
To deactivate selected streetviews click the DEACTIVATE STREETVIEWS button.
To activate selected streetviews click the ACTIVATE STREETVIEWS button.
Meta Data
Displays the metadata for a selected streetview.
This panel will only be shown if a single streetview is selected.
It is not available for clusters. Zoom in more to see individual street views.
Enable Show Road on Map to display the road name as a label for each streetview.
Select all streetviews with the same road name
Select and zoom to a specific road by selecting it from the list in the panel.
Assign a road name to a streetview(s)
Select streetviews on the map to assign a road name to them.
Type the name of the road in the text box and click the UPDATE STREETVIEWS button.
Enable Show POI on Map to display the POI name as a label for each streetview.
Select all streetviews with the same POI name
Select and zoom to a specific POI by selecting it from the list.
Assign a POI name to streetview(s)
Select streetviews to assign a POI to.
Type the name of the POI in the text box and click the UPDATE STREETVIEWS button.
If a single streetview is selected, a POI of type point will be assigned the new name.
If multiple streetviews are selected, a POI of type line will be assigned the new name.
Add a vector overlay to the map. Supported formats: kml.
Click on the button next to the overlay name to remove it from the map.
The red line is the overlay
Keyboard shortcuts
Download as pdf for easy printing.
Mouse | Move all selected streetviews |
ESC | Unselect all selections |
CTRL + A | Select all streetviews visible on the map |
Click an arrow | Select a streetview |
Hold CTRL + click a Streetview | Add a streetview to the current selection |
Shift + draw rectangle | Select all the streetviews in the rectangle |
Hold CTRL + SHIFT + draw rectangle | Add all the streetviews in the rectangle to the current selection |
Hold ALT + click a Streetview | Line selection. Having a streetview selected hold ALT then Click a second streetview to select it and all the streetviews in between. |
CTRL + L | Align all selected streetviews in a straight line. |
DELETE | Deactivate all selected streetviews |
INSERT | Activate all selected streetviews |
HOME | Rotate all selected streetviews counterclockwise |
END | Rotate all selected streetviews clockwise |
PG UP | Go to the next streetview |
PG DOWN | Go to the previous streetview |
Arrow keys: Up, Down, Left, Right |
Scroll the map. |
Duplicate Remover
Removes duplicate recordings from roads recorded more than once.
Additionally you can deactivate excessive footage with the Skip tool.
For best results run the Skip tool after the Duplicate Remover.
Process target
(Visible only when there are timelines)
Process either the selected tours or process the selected timelines.
Keep footage
Older – Provides best results for most situations.
Keeps the existing, older, streetviews (blue), adds new (red) streetviews for newly recorded roads.
Newer – Replaces existing streetviews (blue) with newer footage (red).
The overall data will be more up-to-date.
Disadvantage: After driving into a dead-end road, you get the probably worse footage from reversing out of it.
Road width (m)
Base setting.
Consider Altitude (m)
By default the altitude is ignored when detecting duplicates.
Try it when there are many bridges and tunnels.
Deactivate manually activated streetviews
By default manually activated streetviews are not deactivated by the Duplicate Remover. Enable this option to force them to be deactivated.
Start removing duplicates in streetviews.
Reset all streetviews deactivated by Duplicate Remover and Skip tools.
Add watermarks to the streetview. Changes can be previewed in the Player -> Preview tab.
For the Free program version the watermark is set to DEMO. It can not be changed or removed. Consider a paid version if you need to adjust the watermarks.
Add watermark
Enable watermarks.
Watermark text.
Pick a font for the watermark. The list of fonts is taken from C:WindowsFonts.
Watermark text size.
Watermark text opacity. (See through.)
Number of watermark columns
How many watermark columns to show. (left-right).
Number of watermark rows
How many watermark rows to show. (up-down).
Add mask
Add a mask to hide the car’s rooftop.
Technically it is a transparent PNG image merged to the streetview.
Download an example mask.
Mask path
Path to the mask PNG image.
A Nadir logo can be added as a mask.
Nadir Logo
Add your company’s logo to the Nadir (bottom) of your streetviews.
In Player – Preview it looks like this:
To see the Nadir logo change Player – Preferences:
– Look down limit (degrees) from the default -50 to -90
– Maximum Zoom Level from default 120 to 150.
This way you can see the Nadir logo better.
Change it back both when done reviewing.
Color logos will be automatically made into grayscale logos during processing. This can not be changed.
Add Logo to Mask
Download this example with all files needed.
Additionally only your own logo is needed.
Recommended minimum size for your logo: 300 px x 300 px.
Supported formats: png, jpeg, tif
Color logos will be automatically made into grayscale logos during processing. This can not be changed.
Go to
- Logo: Drop your own logo onto Logo or select it to upload.
- Equirectangular: Drop green-screen-template.jpg onto Equirectangular projection or select it to upload.
- Create: After upload is complete click the Create button in the top right corner.
- Download: After the image is created click the Download button in the bottom right-hand corner. Download and save the pano.tif image.
Set Transparency
On your PC: Edit with Paint 3D: Right click the pano.tif image then select.
In the top navigation bar Click Canvas and then enable Transparent canvas.
To save press CTRL + S then Click Image.
Change Save as type to 2D PNG then click Save.
pano.png is now ready to be used as a Mask for this program.
Or just download our own pano.png for a quick test.
Apply the Mask
In your project go to the Imagery tab and activate the mask and set it to the new pano.png file.
By default all our players are configured to not allow you to look down to see the logo you just added.
To change this, go to Player – Preferences – Streetview
Change Look Down Limit from default -50 to -90.
For your convenience change Maximum Zoom Level from default 120 to 150. This way you can see the result better.
Change back both when done reviewing.
Check what it looks like in Player – Preview:
Now process the project as usual.
Record the same road or area multiple times to document change.
A simple example with just two timelines, each with one tour only:
Create a minimum of two timelines. E.g. dates like 2018 and 2022.
Assign a minimum of one tour (folders) to each timeline.
Whats the player then looks like:
Enable timeline
Enable the timeline feature
Click the Add button in the top right corner.
Set a Label for the timeline and which Tours belong to this timeline then click the Save button in the top right corner.
You can sort the timelines as needed.
Click the button next to the timeline.
Modify the Label of the timeline and which Tours belong to this timeline. Then click the Save button in the top right corner.
Click the button next to the timeline then confirm the delete operation.
After assigning all tours to timelines you can use the Duplicate Remover to sort out duplicates in each timeline.
The new default player is based on the open source Photo Sphere Viewer:
Should you need the proprietary krpano player from 360camstres 1.x you can switch back to it in Preferences -> Advanced: Player
Player Keyboard shortcuts
PG UP | Go to the next streetview |
PG DOWN | Go to the previous streetview |
Arrow keys: Up, Down, Left, Right | Look down, up, left, right. |
Ctrl + Shift + h | Screenshot mode:
Toggle visibility of hotspots and arrows. |
There are many options to configure the player.
Best is to go back and forth between the Preferences and the Preview tabs while making adjustments.
Only available in Player 2 – Krpano
Only available in Player 2 – Krpano
Raster data
If you have raster data at, please use Custom map tiles instead.
The mapbox URL for Custom map tiles looks like this:{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN
Vector data
The following is for vector data only.
If you have your own vector data and would like to add it to the Player.
Mapbox provides an easy way to do it.
Map provider label
Name of the map provider shown in the Player – base layer selection panel.
Style URL
To get the URL of your style, in Mapbox studio click on the Share button in the top right corner and then copy the value of the Style URL field.
Access token
To get the URL of your style, in Mapbox studio click on the Share button in the top right corner and then copy the value of Access token field.
Map data legal notices
Custom map data legal notices
Automatic rotation
For each language the default translations shown below will be used, unless you enter something else.
The Player will try to match the browser locale with one of the available languages, if that fails the first language will be used as the default.
Enable Multi language to show sa button to allow the user to select the language manually in the Player.
Click on Add new Language button to create a new language.
You can find the 2 letter codes (ISO 639-1) of all the languages here:
Consider doing a backup of the player settings and all translations before deleting.
Import a Backup to restore an added language and all other player settings.
You can delete your customisations to the four default languages and additional languages added.
In case one of the four default languages was deleted and you want to bring it back, just add it via the Add new Language button and specify one of default language codes: en, de, es, ar. There is no need to enter all the translations again.
Default language
The player will try to match the browser language to one of the available languages. In case no match could be made – the first language will be used (by default English).
To set a different default language, delete all the languages except the desired language to make it the first language.
Then add all other languages again.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + H to toggle hotspot visibility. E.g. for manual screenshots.
Asset Visualization
In addition to the API the player can simply show your assets via the URL.
Let’s assume you already have a list of 100000 assets with Latitude and Longitude.
How can you link them to the 500 kilometers worth of street views you have just recorded?
Simply have your existing system generate a URL for each of your assets.
The player then will automatically open the streetview closest to the asset and look at it.
This even works with timelines. Perfect for inspection and documentation of change.
Most simple example:
You should see a man with a water hose.
Same, but with a label added:
Minimum requirements:
Latitude and longitude values for your asset specified by URL query parameters:
v_lat – Latitude
v_lng – Longitude
Optional parameters:
v_alt – Altitude
v_label – asset description. It must be url encoded.
v_timeline – The name of an existing timeline. It must be url encoded.
v_layout can be one of the following values
map – Map
streetview – Streetview
streetviewBottom – Top Map, Bottom Streetview
streetviewTop – Bottom Map, Top Streetview
0 bottom left window being maximized
1 bottom left window maximized
v_htmlTitle changes the title of the page. It must be url encoded.
v_label, v_htmlTitle, v_timeline must be url encoded.
To encode URLs use or similar websites.
Quick start: Click Start, then View Player.
Creates the player and all data for it on your PC.
Create player
Creates the player in /out/projectname/player3 folder.
Create streetview-tiles
Creates the streetview-tiles for the player in /out/projectname/panorama-tiles folder.
Create project backup
Creates a project backup with a timestamp in the /out/projectname/backups folder.
We strongly suggest keeping the Create project backup option activated.
Skip existing streetviews
In case you are updating a project and reprocessing: If a streetview already exists, do not process it again. This can save a lot of time.
However, if you make changes to the streetviews e.g. by adding or removing a watermark or mask in Imagery deactivate this option to reprocess the streetviews.
Alternatively you can manually delete the /out/projectname/panorama-tiles folder.
Player folders
When processing a folder projectname with 4 subfolders is created:
For a working player only the player3 and panorama-tiles subfolders need to be uploaded.
One-click upload of the player and the streetview-tiles to your Amazon AWS account.
For the free evaluation period we provide our own Amazon AWS cloud account.
Therefore no setup is required.
- Free testing with the 360camsters Amazon AWS account.
- Amazon regions are limited to Europe (Frankfurt).
Alternatively you can manually publish to Amazon AWS (S3), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Apache, NGINX, IIS and literally any other web server.
Publish to Amazon cloud
Process and then publish in one simple step.
You also can process only. And then publish anytime later without re-processing.
Advantages of the Amazon AWS player
- Easiest player to publish.
- Cheapest player for hosting and data transfer.
- Very versatile. E.g. add a CND like CloudFront to speed up the loading of the streetviews even more. Or enable for a world-wide audience.
Details for the player published to Amazon AWS
A unique ID (UUID) is part of the cloud player’s URL. It can not be guessed.
Only users you tell the URL can access the player.
Consider adding a CDN (Content Delivery Network to your player.
For Amazon AWS that is CloudFront. In addition to ensuring a snappy player that way you can remove and then add a different CloudFront URL, without having to upload the player and the streetviews again.
Also you could add a domain or subdomain to the player URL, or the CloudFront URL.
This is the same player, with 3 different URLs:
Player example (bold: UUID)
Player CloudFront example
Player subdomain example
During the free evaluation period the AWS regions are limited to the EU (Frankfurt) location. With the full version all 26 AWS regions are available to you.
To publish to regions marked as Opt-in in the list, you need to activate them first:
After purchasing 360 Private Publisher more options become available:
- Access key ID and Secret access key
Follow Amazon Web Services Cloud on how to get your free AWS credentials. - AWS region for publishing.
Pick one of the 25 AWS regions closest to your viewers. This is not necessarily the region closest to you. Each player can have its own region.
View the player
The player can be viewed in many ways:
- Player -> Preview: On-the-fly player.
- Export -> View Player button: View the exported player on your PC.
- Export -> Open Cloud Player button: See the published cloud player.
- Manual upload: Upload the player by e.g. ftp to any cloud or server.
E.g. Amazon AWS (S3), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Apache, NGINX, IIS and literally any other web server. Both shared and dedicated hosting works.
No database needed.
AWS CloudFront (CDN)
If the cloud player is expected to
- Have a custom domain
- Handle high traffic from all over the world
It’s recommended to add a CloudFront distribution to the player.
Go to and click the Create Distribution button.
Origin Domain Name
Select the player in the drop-down field.
Viewer Protocol Policy
Set to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
Default root object
Enter index.html
Scroll down and click the Create Distribution button.
Go to CloudFront Distributions list, and wait until the distribution is created (Status column changes to Enabled). This might need a few minutes.
The complete CloudFront URL for the browser or for embedding:
Please notice that it might need up to 24 hours for the new CloudFront Distribution to deploy worldwide to work properly. Up until then it will forward to the S3 domain name.
URL query parameters like v_lat, v_lng, etc. will start working only when the CloudFront deployment is completed. This might need up to 24 hours.
Embed the Cloud Player into any webpage
What it looks like on our website:
3 examples for the same player:
Cloud Player URL from this program:
Get the URL from Publish -> Open Cloud Player.
360 Private Publisher
Manual for release 1.0.10
Download the Manual as a pdf.
Free Testing
360 Private Publisher is available as a free download for testing for a week.
Test it with your own recordings. Or give the provided test-data a try.
For the most thorough evaluation with all the features enabled get the 30-Days version.
All downloads are available on this page:
What’s New?
Other changes
Added features
- License: Page streamlined
- Export: Page cleaned up
- Import: Mass-import of many 360 video files at once.
- Import: A new recording now can be added directly to an existing project.
- General cleanup of the Graphical User interface (GUI)
- Log: Clearer error message for when there is no disc space left.
- Streetview capture date was off by one month for some cameras.
Free for one week. Download.
- One-click-publishing to the Amazon cloud works out-of-the-box.No setup at all required.
- Watermarks on the streetviews.
- Watermark on the player.
- 360camsters player license only.
- Amazon cloud: “Frankfurt” AWS region only.
Subscription plans
Monthly Subscription, Annual Subscription
One-time payments
30-Day, 1-Year
Raise your data treasure!
Modern businesses need to know what’s going on at their facilities, plants and infrastructure at any time.
And there is a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words.
How about a million panoramas plus the “what, where and when” available to you at a single mouse click?
360 Private Publisher is the perfect way to raise your data treasure.
Turning your 360 recordings into data you can actually work with and gain knowledge.
Have a look at the Gallery.
Consulting, Customisation & Integration
Data Processing and Data Management
Mr. Jan Mantkowski
Streetview Technology GmbH
Pittlerstrasse 53
63225 Langen (Hessen)
Phone: +49 (0)6103-3727494
WhatsApp: 4915124082072
Skype: live:.cid.c3c494532fd327d4
Webpage: Contact
Main Features
360 Private Publisher is a Mobile Mapping application to manage your 360 recordings and to convert them into a performant streetview player capable of displaying millions of streetviews.
The resulting streetview player can be deployed in many ways:
- Windows 10 or Windows 11 (Locally on your PC.)
- Windows Server
- Any webserver. E.g. Apache, NGINX, IIS. With shared or dedicated hosting.
- Any cloud. E.g. Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure.
For Amazon AWS there is an easy one-click-publishing function.
Also 360 Private Publisher itself can be installed to a server or a cloud too.
Then operate it by Remote Desktop Connection (RDP).
- Privacy
Perfect privacy by local installation, processing and internal publishing.
Alternatively you have the option to run the program in a cloud.
- PublishingTo your own PC, servers, shared or dedicated hosting, Amazon AWS, Google cloud, Azure cloud, as well as to literally any internet server.There is no obligation to publish to the public.
- Project Size
For country-size projects with millions of streetviews.
- Timeline
Record the same area again and again. See the changes.
- EmbeddingControl the player by javascript in any web-page.
- Versatile
Mix recordings from many different recordings. Even different cameras from different brands.
- LocalisationAdd your own translations to the player in addition to the four default languages: English, Spanish, German, Arabic, Greek.
- MapPick one of 30 map-providers or use your own maps or aerial images.
- Mapbox
Use your Mapbox maps for the player.
The player has been designed for very large projects with millions of streetviews.
There are only static files. Not even php. For this there is no need for complicated load balancing etc. Publishing the player to a server or cloud is sufficient.
Publishing to the Amazon cloud is up to 80% cheaper than a player hosted in a conventional datacenter. Also there is virtually no maintenance when publishing to a cloud.
It has never been easier to prepare for your 15 minutes of internet fame.
Just add CloudFront as a CDN to your player. You even can create a custom URL for your own domain.
Cloud Evaluation
For evaluation one-click-publishing to the Amazon cloud works out-of-the-box. No setup needed.
Just pick a project and publish your first player right away.
For the Evaluation version the publishing Regions are limited to EU-Frankfurt.
After purchase and switching to your own Amazon AWS account all other AWS Regions will be available to you.
Please notice players published to our AWS account during evaluation can not be transferred to your own AWS account later. You have to upload all the data again.
All players from the Evaluation version will be deleted after 4 weeks.
The built-in one-click publishing feature for AWS is just for your convenience.
Of course you can upload the player manually to any cloud or server instead.
E.g. by ftp.
360 Private Publisher can be installed to a Windows 10 PC or Windows 11 PC or to the Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services EC2 or Microsoft Azure.
Windows 10 PC or Windows 11 PC
For a local installation the minimum requirement is a Windows 10 or 11 PC with one of the following NVIDIA graphics cards.
Recommended NVIDIA graphic cards for Windows 10 PC or Windows 11 PC
RTX 3050, RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3060, RTX 3070 Ti, RTX 3070, RTX 3080 Ti, RTX 3080, RTX 3090 Ti, RTX 3090.
Relevant for the performance is the graphic card’s amount of VRAM.
The more VRAM, the faster the processing.
Minimum is 4GB of VRAM.
Cards we use ourselves
RTX 3050, 6GB
RTX 2060, 8GB
GTX 1080, 8GB
GTX 1650, 4 GB (Slower. No internal power cable is needed. Great for older PCs.)
Our customers reported this card to work:
RTX 2080
The following cards should work too:
RTX 3050, RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3060, RTX 3070 Ti, RTX 3070, RTX 3080 Ti, RTX 3080, RTX 3090 Ti, RTX 3090.
RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080 Super, RTX 2080
RTX 2070 Super, RTX 2070
RTX 2060 Super, RTX 2060
GTX 1660 Ti, GTX 1660 Super, GTX 1660
GTX 1650 Super, GTX 1650
All other graphic cards (even “better” ones) are not supported!
During the installation CUDA 11 is installed automatically.
The 360 Private Publisher program itself can be installed to a cloud.
You then can operate it by Remote Desktop Connection (RDP).
We tested Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services EC2 and Microsoft Azure.
It is strongly recommended to create the following folders to organize your data.
Mandatory folders
Manually create these folders: In, Out, Backups.
Then set the folders up in Preferences -> Folders.
Recommended folders
Manually create these folders to keep your data organized.
Masks, Logos, Export, Player templates.
Insta360 Pro 2:
Approximately 720.000 streetviews/day.
The actual performance depends on your hardware and setup.
With a NVIDIA graphics card with 8 GB VRAM you should get a performance of about Approximately 240.000 streetviews and streetview-tiles per day.
The actual performance depends on your hardware and setup.
For best performance we recommend different drives for the in and out folders.
SSDs will be the fastest. Followed by HDDs.
Technically NAS works fine. However, depending on your network, it can be very slow.
Windows Virus and Thread protection
We strongly recommend adding the following exclusions to Microsoft Windows Virus and Thread protection.
This can speed up processing by 300%.
Please deactivate any third-party virus scanners.
Or apply the above settings correspondingly.
Just follow the menu from the top to the bottom.
Skip menu items you do not need.
Go back and forth to make adjustments.
Project size
For quick results start familiarizing yourself with a small project!
This way alterations can be processed real fast.
Data Management
Menu: Import
New recordings always must be imported first.
For country-size projects we recommend processing the data in smaller, separate projects. Have separate projects for e.g. cities, counties, states, etc.
Process each. Before publishing combine the resulting players with Menu: Tools -> Merge Players.
This does not change the individual projects and their players.
It just creates a new, combined, player with all the data.
In Menu: Import pick your camera or data-format and import your footage.
Multiple 360 videos can be imported at once.
Folders and their subfolders can be imported at once.
In case you have no data yet, try our test-data.
You can start a new project, or add the imported recording(s) to an already existing project.
Supported Cameras
Mosaic X
Mosaix 51
Insta360 PRO 2
Expected data format: A single .mp4 video file from the Insta360 Stitcher program.
Labpano Pilot One EE
Expected data format: A single .mp4 video file from the camera.
FLIR Ladybug 5+
A folder with equirectangular .jpg files with metadata.
Supported Data formats
A folder with equirectangular .jpg files with metadata.
A folder with equirectangular .jpg files with metadata.
A folder (and subfolders) with equirectangular .jpg files with EXIF metadata.
Add my Camera
In case your camera is not supported yet:
1) Please try the already available Import options. One might just work.
2) In case not, please use the Import -> Add my Camera form.
The list of all your projects.
Click a project to open it. The Tours tab will open.
Import Backups
Import one or many project backups.
Project backup files to be found in the /out/Backups folder.
Or the /Out/projectname/backups folder.
This is only for this program’s data.
Sources or generated data is never part of a backup.
In case a backup is from another PC, paths then can be adjusted on the Tours tab.
Backup All
Backup all your projects with just one mouse click.
This is only for this program’s data. Sources or generated data is never part of a backup.
Additionally you can Edit, Backup or Delete a single project.
This is only for this program’s data. Sources or generated data is never part of a backup.
This program can not change or delete your source data.
It is best practice to always have an up-to-date backup of your data and the project backups on a disconnected drive.
If the drive is connected to your network and powered up it is just a copy, not a backup.
A list of all the tours of a Project.
The project’s tours can be from different cameras, even different camera brands.
Show on map
Click All or a tour to open the Map tab.
Import Backup
Import a tour backup. One or many tour backups can be imported at the same time.
Change Folder
When migrating backups from one PC to another or when the project’s in folder has been moved: Select all the tours and click the CHANGE FOLDER button. Then set the path to the new in folder.
If the project has e.g. additional tours that have been moved or copied from a different project, the tick those new tours individually and Click CHANGE FOLDER button.
Move selected tours to a different project.
Copy selected tours to a different project.
Backup selected tours.
This is only for this program’s data. Sources or generated data is never part of a backup.
Deletes the selected tours from the project in this program.
This program can not change or delete your source data.
You should consider doing a backup first. Just in case.
In order to display a large amount of streetviews on the map, streetviews are clustered together, depending on the map zoom level.
A cluster is basically a collection of streetviews.
Clusters are displayed for zoom levels 0 to 19 only. Zoom levels 20 , 21 etc. always show all streetviews individually.
Change map base layer
Click the
button in the top left corner to change the map base layer.
Esri.WorldImagery is the default. Select a different provider from the list. Or provide your own custom map tiles by clicking the
Custom map tiles
The slippy map tiles format is supported with both Google/Bing/OSM tile coordinates and TMS.
Also works with raster data.
See the Mapbox chapter for the URL format.
Your custom tiles provider name
The URL can point to an online resource:
Change the bold parts of the address.{z}/{x}/{y}.png
A local folder or NAS drive:
Change the bold parts of the address.
{z} is the zoom level, and {x} and {y} are the coordinates of the top left corner of the tile in web mercator projection. For the TMS format use the {–y} placeholder.
Copyright information displayed at the bottom of the map.
Check the Mapbox section for instructions.
Show or hide icons for active and deactivated streetviews.
Usually more footage than needed is recorded.
The Duplicate Remover and the Skip tool as well as manual deactivation on the map page can be used to reduce the number of streetviews to be published.
Activated streetviews have a white outline.
Deactivated streetviews have a gray outline.
Show the selected tours on the map.
Click a tour to zoom to it.
Click ALL to center the map on all the tours.
Untick to hide all tours. Then tick selected tours to show only them.
Only available when timelines have been created.
Show the selected timelines on the map.
Click ALL to center on all the timelines.
Untick to hide all timelines. Then tick selected timelines to show only them.
Select streetviews
Most of the actions like activate/deactivate, move, rotate, assign a road name or POI are performed on one or many selected streetviews.
Click a streetview to select it. A selected streetview will change its color to orange.
It’s possible to select multiple streetviews by holding down the CTRL key when clicking on the streetviews.
Holding down the SHIFT key and then drag the mouse to select all the streetviews in a rectangle.
To select all the streetviews from first to last and everything in between, select the first streetview, then while holding down the ALT key, select the last one streetview.
To deselect click anywhere on the map or press the ESC key.
Deactivate and Activate
Select the streetviews.
To deactivate selected streetviews click the DEACTIVATE STREETVIEWS button.
To activate selected streetviews click the ACTIVATE STREETVIEWS button.
Meta Data
Displays the metadata for a selected streetview.
This panel will only be shown if a single streetview is selected.
It is not available for clusters. Zoom in more to see individual stretviews.
Enable Show Road on Map to display the road name as a label for each streetview.
Select all streetviews with the same road name
Select and zoom to a specific road by selecting it from the list in the panel.
Assign a road name to a streetview(s)
Select streetviews on the map to assign a road name to them.
Type the name of the road in the text box and click the UPDATE STREETVIEWS button.
Enable Show POI on Map to display the POI name as a label for each streetview.
Select all streetviews with the same POI name
Select and zoom to a specific POI by selecting it from the list.
Assign a POI name to streetview(s)
Select streetviews to assign a POI to.
Type the name of the POI in the text box and click the UPDATE STREETVIEWS button.
If a single streetview is selected, a POI of type point will be assigned the new name.
If multiple streetviews are selected, a POI of type line will be assigned the new name.
Add a vector overlay to the map. Supported formats: kml.
Click on the
button next to the overlay name to remove it from the map.
The red line is the overlay
Keyboard shortcuts
Mouse | Move all selected streetviews |
ESC | Unselect all selections |
CTRL + A | Select all streetviews visible on the map |
Click an arrow | Select a streetview |
Hold CTRL + click a Streetview | Add a streetview to the current selection |
Shift + draw rectangle | Select all the streetviews in the rectangle |
Hold CTRL + SHIFT + draw rectangle | Add all the streetviews in the rectangle to the current selection |
Hold ALT + click a Streetview | Line selection. Having a streetview selected hold ALT then Click a second streetview to select it and all the streetviews in between. |
CTRL + L | Align all selected streetviews in a straight line. |
DELETE | Deactivate all selected streetviews |
INSERT | Activate all selected streetviews |
HOME | Rotate all selected streetviews counterclockwise |
END | Rotate all selected streetviews clockwise |
PG UP | Go to the next streetview |
PG DOWN | Go to the previous streetview |
Arrow keys:
Up, Down, Left, Right |
Scroll the map. |
Duplicate Remover
Removes duplicate recordings from roads recorded more than once.
Additionally you can deactivate excessive footage with the Skip tool. For best results run the Skip tool after the Duplicate Remover.
Process target
(Visible only when there are timelines)
Process either the selected tours or process the selected timelines.
Keep footage
Older – Provides best results for most situations.
Keeps the existing, older, streetviews (blue), adds new (red) streetviews for newly recorded roads.
Newer – Replaces existing streetviews (blue) with newer footage (red).
The overall data will be more up-to-date.
Disadvantage: After driving into a dead-end road, you get the probably worse footage from reversing out of it.
Road width (m)
Base setting.
Consider Altitude (m)
By default the altitude is ignored when detecting duplicates.
Try it when there are many bridges and tunnels.
Deactivate manually activated streetviews
By default manually activated streetviews are not deactivated by the Duplicate Remover. Enable this option to force them to be deactivated.
Start removing duplicates in streetviews.
Reset all streetviews deactivated by Duplicate Remover and Skip tools.
Add watermarks to the streetview. Changes can be previewed in the Player -> Preview tab.
For the Free program version the watermark is fixed to DEMO. It can not be changed or removed. Consider a paid version if you need to adjust the watermarks.
Add watermark
Enable watermarks.
Watermark text.
Pick a font for the watermark. The list of fonts is taken from C:WindowsFonts.
Watermark text size.
Watermark text opacity. (See through.)
Number of watermark columns
How many watermark columns to show. (left-right).
Number of watermark rows
How many watermark rows to show. (up-down).
Add mask
Add a mask to hide the car’s rooftop.
Technically it is a transparent PNG image merged to the streetview.
Download an example mask.
Mask path
Path to the mask PNG image.
A Nadir logo can be added as a mask.
Nadir Logo
Add your company’s logo to the Nadir (bottom) of your streetviews.
In Player – Preview it looks like this:
To see the Nadir logo change Player – Preferences:
– Look down limit (degrees) from the default -50 to -90
– Maximum Zoom Level from default 120 to 150.
This way you can see the Nadir logo better.
Change it back both when done reviewing.
Color logos will be automatically made into grayscale logos during processing. This can not be changed.
Add Logo to Mask
Download this example with all files needed.
Additionally only your own logo is needed.
Recommended minimum size for your logo: 300 px x 300 px.
Supported formats: png, jpeg, tif
Color logos will be automatically made into grayscale logos during processing. This can not be changed.
Go to
- Logo: Drop your own logo onto Logo or select it to upload.
- Equirectangular: Drop green-screen-template.jpg onto Equirectangular projection or select it to upload.
- Create: After upload is complete click the Create button in the top right corner.
- Download: After the image is created click the Download button in the bottom right-hand corner. Download and save the pano.tif image.
Set Transparency
On your PC: Edit with Paint 3D: Right click the pano.tif image then select.
In the top navigation bar Click Canvas and then enable Transparent canvas.
To save press CTRL + S then Click Image.
Change Save as type to 2D PNG then click Save.
pano.png is now ready to be used as a Mask for this program.
Or just download our own pano.png for a quick test.
Apply the Mask
In your project go to the Imagery tab and activate the mask and set it to the new pano.png file.
By default all our players are configured to not allow you to look down to see the logo you just added.
To change this, go to Player – Preferences – Streetview
Change Look Down Limit from default -50 to -90.
For your convenience change Maximum Zoom Level from default 120 to 150. This way you can see the result better. Change back both when done reviewing.
Check what it looks like in Player – Preview:
Now process the project as usual.
Record the same road or area multiple times to document change.
Most simple example with two timelines, each with one tour only:
Create a minimum of two timelines. E.g. dates like 2018 and 2022.
Assign a minimum of one tour (folders) to each timeline.
Whats the player then looks like:
Enable timeline
Enable the timeline feature
Click the Add button in the top right corner.
Set a Label for the timeline and which Tours belong to this timeline then click the Save button in the top right corner.
You can sort the timelines as needed.
Click the
button next to the timeline.
Modify the Label of the timeline and which Tours belong to this timeline. Then click the Save button in the top right corner.
Click the
button next to the timeline then confirm the delete operation.
After assigning all tours to timelines you can use the Duplicate Remover to sort out duplicates in each timeline.
Player Keyboard shortcuts
PG UP | Go to the next streetview |
PG DOWN | Go to the previous streetview |
Arrow keys: Up, Down, Left, Right | Look down, up, left, right. |
Ctrl + Shift + h | Screenshot mode:
Toggle visibility of hotspot and arrows. |
There are many options to configure the player.
Best is to back and forward between the Preferences and the Preview while making adjustments.
Raster data
If you have raster data at, please use Custom map tiles instead.
The mapbox URL for Custom map tiles looks like this:{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN
Vector data
The following is for vector data only.
If you have your own vector data and would like to add it to the Player.
Mapbox provides an easy way to do it.
Map provider label
Name of the map provider shown in the Player – base layer selection panel.
Style URL
To get the URL of your style, in Mapbox studio click on the
Share button in the top right corner and then copy the value of the Style URL field.
Access token
To get the URL of your style, in Mapbox studio click on the
Share button in the top right corner and then copy the value of Access token field.
Map data legal notices
Custom map data legal notices
Automatic rotation
For each language the default translations shown below will be used, unless you enter something else.
The Player will try to match the browser locale with one of the available languages, if that fails the first language will be used as the default.
Enable Multi language for a button to allow the user to select the language manually in the Player.
Click on Add new Language button
to create a new language.
You can find the 2 letter codes (ISO 639-1) of all the languages here:
Consider doing a backup of the player settings and all translations before deleting.
Import a Backup to restore an added language and all other player settings.
You can delete your customisations to the four default languages and additional languages added.
In case one of the four default languages was deleted and you want to bring it back, just add it via the Add new Language button
and specify one of default language codes: en, de, es, ar. There is no need to enter all the translations again.
Default language
The player will try to match the browser language to one of the available languages. In case no match could be made – the first language will be used (by default English).
To set a different default language, delete all the languages except the desired language to make it the first language.
Then add all other languages again.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + H to toggle hotspot visibility. E.g. for screenshots.
Asset Visualization
Have the player show your assets via the URL. No database is needed.
Let’s assume you already have 100000 assets with Latitude and Longitude.
How can you link them to the 500 kilometers worth of streetviews you have just recorded?
Simply have your existing system generate a URL for each of your assets.
The player then will automatically open the streetview closest to the asset and look at it.
This even works with timelines. Perfect for inspection and documentation of change.
Most simple example:
You should see a man with a water hose.
Same, but with a label added:
Minimum requirements:
Latitude and longitude values for your asset specified by URL query parameters:
v_lat – Latitude
v_lng – Longitude
Optional parameters:
v_alt – Altitude
v_label – asset description. It must be url encoded.
v_timeline – The name of an existing timeline. It must be url encoded.
v_layout can be one of the following values
map – Map
streetview – Streetview
streetviewBottom – Top Map, Bottom Streetview
streetviewTop – Bottom Map, Top Streetview
0 bottom left window being maximized
1 bottom left window maximized
v_htmlTitle changes the title of the page. It must be url encoded.
v_label, v_htmlTitle, v_timeline must be url encoded.
To encode URLs use or similar websites.
Creates the player and all data for it on your PC.
The player then can be viewed in many ways:
- In the program itself at Menu: Player -> Preview
- By running a local server on your PC. We suggest the “krpano Testing Server.exe” program. It is available for download for free here.
- After uploading to the Amazon AWS cloud by the Publish feature.
- After manual upload to any cloud or server.E.g. Amazon AWS (S3), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Apache, NGINX, IIS and literally any other web server. Both shared and dedicated hosting works.
Create player
Creates the player in /out/projectname/player2 folder.
Create streetview-tiles
Creates the streetview-tiles for the player in /out/projectname/panorama-tiles folder.
Create project backup
Creates a project backup with a timestamp in the /out/projectname/backups folder.
We strongly suggest keeping the Create project backup option activated.
Skip existing streetviews
In case you are updating a project and reprocessing: If a streetview already exists, do not process it again. This can save a lot of time.
However, if you make changes to the streetviews e.g. by adding or removing a watermark or mask in Imagery deactivate this option to reprocess the streetviews.
Alternatively you can manually delete the /out/projectname/panorama-tiles folder.
Player folders
When processing a folder projectname (from the project name) with 4 subfolders is created:
For a working player only the player2 and panorama-tiles subfolders need to be uploaded.
One-click upload of the player and the streetview-tiles to your Amazon AWS account.
For the free evaluation period we provide our own Amazon AWS cloud account.
Therefore no setup is required.
- Free testing with the 360camsters Amazon AWS account.
- Amazon regions are limited to Europe (Frankfurt).
Alternatively you can manually publish to Amazon AWS (S3), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Apache, NGINX, IIS and literally any other web server.
Publish to Amazon cloud
Process and then publish in one simple step.
You also can process only. And then publish anytime later.
Advantages of the Amazon AWS player:
- Easiest player to publish.
- Cheapest player for hosting and data transfer.
- Very versatile. E.g. add a CND like CloudFront to speed up the loading of the streetviews even more. Or enable for a world-wide audience.
Sharing the Player
A unique ID (UUID) is part of the cloud player’s URL, and it is not listed anywhere.
It can not be guessed. Only users you tell the URL can access the player.
Consider forwarding a different URL to it.
E.g. by adding AWS CloudFront CDN (Content Delivery Network) to your player. That way you can remove and then add a different CloudFront URL without having to upload the player and streetviews again.
Player example URL (bold: UUID)
Player CloudFront example URL (for the player above)
During the free evaluation period the AWS regions are limited to the EU (Frankfurt) location. Afterwards all 25 AWS regions are available to you.
After purchasing 360 Private Publisher more options become available:
- Access key ID and Secret access keyFollow Amazon Web Services Cloud on how to get your own AWS credentials.
- AWS region for publishing.Pick one of the 25 AWS regions closest to your viewers. This is not necessarily the region closest to you. Each player can have its own region.
AWS CloudFront (CDN)
If the cloud player is expected to
- Have a custom domain
- Handle high traffic from all over the world
It’s recommended to add a CloudFront distribution to the player.
Go to and click the Create Distribution button.
Origin Domain Name
Select the player in the drop-down field.
Viewer Protocol Policy
Set to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
Default root object
Enter index.html
Scroll down and click the Create Distribution button.
Go to CloudFront Distributions list, and wait until the distribution is created (Status column changes to Enabled). This might need a few minutes.
The complete CloudFront URL for the browser or for embedding:
Please notice that it might need up to 24 hours for the new CloudFront Distribution to deploy worldwide to work properly. Up until then it will forward to the S3 domain name.
URL query parameters like v_lat, v_lng, etc. will start working only when the CloudFront deployment is completed. This might need up to 24 hours.
Embed the Cloud Player into any webpage
What it looks like on our website:
3 examples for the same player:
Cloud Player URL from this program:
Get the URL from Publish -> Open Cloud Player.
Same player, with Amazon CloudFront CDN instead:
Same player, with a custom subdomain (with a SSL certificate) for CloudFront.
Cloud Player Management
Open Cloud player
Opens the published Cloud Player URL in the browser.
Delete Cloud player
Deletes the published Cloud Player from the internet and the project.
The same URL can not be re-used.
To only delete the cloud player from the internet, and to keep the URL in the project, use AWS Account instead.
An updated player can be published with the same URL.
Create Amazon Web Services (AWS) account
360 Private Publisher has a built-in one-click publishing feature for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Computing Services to easily publish the player to the internet.
An Access key ID and Secret access key is required for publishing.
(In the free evaluation period it works without.)
This needs to be set up only once.
- Go to and sign in with an existing Amazon account or create a new account.
- Log in and continue to$new?step=details to add a new IAM user
- User name: 360camsters
- Access type: Programmatic access
- Click Next: Permissions button
- Select Attach existing policies directly
- Select AdministratorAccess privileges.
- Click the Next: Tags button
- Click the Next: Review button. Make sure User details and Permission summary matches the image below.
- Click the Create user button
- Regions:All regions are available to a newly created IAM user by default.But to publish to the following four AWs regions you need to activate them first:
Africa (Cape Town)
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
Europe (Milan)
Middle East (Bahrain)
Then copy the Access key ID and Secret access key into the appropriate fields on the 360 Private Publisher -> Export: Publish page.
Or 360 Private Publisher -> Preferences -> Amazon Cloud.
It is recommended to click the Download .csv button in order to save the credentials to your PC should you ever need to enter them again.
Request quota increase: Concurrent execution
Go to
Switch to the region where the player will be published.
Click on the Request quota increase button.
The quota increase is per AWS region. In case you plan to publish different players to different regions, you need to do this for each region you want to publish to.
Set Change quota value to 100
Click on the Request button.
Apache, NGINX, IIS, MS Azure and Google Cloud
The player can be published to literally any web server or cloud. It is a collection of static files (html, js, css, etc.). No database is needed.
Copy both the player2 and the panorama-tiles folders to e.g. the /players/hometown folder on your web server. The players URL would then be:
Embed the player into any webpage
First publish the player to a webserver.
Both the players2 and the panorama-tiles folders are published to the hometown folder:
In your page, add this code:
When embedding the player into any html page as an iframe, you now can control it from the html page by javascript.
See the working API examples on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution. You can combine many examples into one player.
Working examples are also automatically added to each project of yours:
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Map example
Click anywhere on the map, and the player will show you what it looks like.
Navigate the player, and the map will update.
On the left side it shows an external map. In this case Leaflet.
The map could be any map. E.g. Leaflet, Openlayers or Google map, etc.
On the right side it shows the player in an iframe. With the new Layout streetview only.
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Asset example
To view an asset by its Latitude and Longitude.
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Timeline example
Switch the timeline for a “before and after” comparison.
You also can have many timelines. E.g. 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Screenshot example
Take a screenshot of the currently visible part of the streetview. E.g zoom in to show a specific issue.
Ideal to add photos to a pdf file or a database.
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Data example
Get all the data available for the street view.
Data shown:
- Streetview ID
- Label
- Timeline
- Latitude, Longitude, Altitude
- Viewing direction (0-360 degree like on a compass)
- Vertical viewing direction (up and down)
- Zoom
- Date and time + timezone
See the working example on our website:
For your own development, download the Javascript API examples.
Then develop your own solution.
Or contact us, we are available for hire for customisation and integration.
Second Monitor
Works with streetviews selected on the Map and Player – Preview.
By adding a second monitor you can see the program and the selected streetview in full size, at the same time. Side by side.
You can test this with a single monitor:
Shows the selected streetview.
You can navigate in Map and Player -> Preview using the PgUp and PgDown keyboard keys.
You can zoom in and out.
Always to be used after the Duplicate Remover.
To convert tours recorded in 1m Distance Mode to 5m Distance Mode.
To convert tours recorded in Interval Mode to Distance Mode.
This greatly reduces the number of streetviews to process.
Process target
(Visible only when there are timelines)
Process either the selected tours or process the selected timelines.
By Distance
Separate by meters between streetviews.
By Interval
Separate by seconds between streetviews.
By Step
Process every x-th streetview.
Deactivate manually activated streetviews
By default manually activated streetviews are not deactivated. Enable this option to force them to be deactivated.
Start separating the streetviews.
Try a few times to find the optimum settings for your footage.
Reset all streetviews deactivated by Duplicate Remover and Skip tool.
Road names from OpenStreetMap
If you already have road names, make a project backup first.
This ensures you can restore in case you accidentally change them in an unwanted way.
Preferred language
Local language only – “name” value of the OSM road.
Custom language – “name:language” value of the OSM road.
Custom language, fallback to local if not specified – If “name:language” value does not exist use “name”.
For Streetviews
Activated streetviews
Deactivated streetviews
Overwrite previously assigned road names?
If enabled streetviews with an existing road name will be skipped.
Maximum distance (m)
Maximum distance to the closest road to be considered for geocoding.
Geocode streetviews with road names from OSM
Remove all assigned road names, even those assigned manually via the Map page.
Fix Direction
If the heading of the majority of the streetviews is not correct it’s possible to calculate the heading from the streetviews position.
Click Start to calculate the healing from position.
Click Reset to revert to original values.
Fix altitude
If the Altitude (height) of streetviews is not correct or missing it’s possible to determine it from the Latitude and Longitude. We are using NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 3 arc second V003 dataset for this.
Click Start to calculate the height from the digital terrain model.
Click Reset to revert to the original values.
Once Start is clicked, 360 Private Publisher will download the digital terrain model for your project’s location and cache it.
This tool therefore requires an active internet connection.
The size of the height-data is about 3 MB for a 1×1 degree area.
The area is determined by a bounding box for all the streetviews in the Project, both active and deactivated.
Streetviews deactivated for wrong positions can present a problem. They still will be considered for the bounding box, even when in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean for both Latitude and Longitude being “0”. Please move them closer to the active stretviews.
Export Metadata
Export streetview metadata.
E.g. for a 3rd-party program.
Streetview status
CSV (comma separated, double quote as as string delimiter),
Streetview status
Activated: Metadata for activated streetviews only.
Deactivated: Metadata for deactivated streetviews only.
Start the export process.
Merge Players
Players to merge
List of the available projects.
Only shows processed projects with data in /out.
Process all projects first, then merge.
Copy panoramas-tiles
Copy the panoramas-tiles folders of all the players into Output Folder/panorama-tiles
This might need a while.
Create the merged player in a new folder.
The projects to be merged are not changed.
Open Output Folder
Open the output folder of the merged player.
The new folder with the merged player is always saved to the Out folder.
Set the program language.
Languages supported: English, Spanish, German.
We are happy to add more languages. Just contact us.
Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to 360camsters.
Please help us make this program better.
It is strongly recommended to create the following 3 folders to organize your data:
In, Out, Backup.
Set the folders up in Preferences -> Folders.
Input folder
Usually named in.
Default location of the project input data. You should place your recorded data here.
Output folder
Usually named out.
Default location for publishing.
All the project folders are subfolders of the out folder. They are created automatically.
Backup folder
Default location for saving project backups.
Weekly or daily backups are strongly recommended.
This is only for this program’s data. Sources or generated data is not included in a Backup.
Manually create additional folders to keep your data organized:
Masks, Logos, Export, Player templates.
Amazon Cloud
An Access key ID and Secret access key is required for publishing.
See the Create Amazon Web Services (AWS) account section for how to get your own AWS credentials.
Allows to open or delete players published to your AWS account.
It does not need a project to do so.
If you delete a player from your AWS account, the project still knows the URL the player has been published to. Meaning you can re-publish to the same URL using the project, or a project backup.
To delete a player from both the Internet and a project, use Cloud Player -> Delete Cloud Player instead.
Project name
Published date
Date and time of the upload.
Open the player URL in the browser
Delete player (incl. all streetviews) from the Amazon account.
Local projects will not be changed.
The project still knows the same cloud URL.
Open this manual.
Displays the current license.
Click Add activation key to enter your activation key.
Get an activation key here.
View Software License Agreement.
krpano license
A single krpano license is sufficient for all players you create.
For the Evaluation version of this program this feature is not available.
A demo version of krpano is bundled with this program.
Click Add activation key to enter your krpano license key. Get a krpano License if you do not have one already.
Paste your krpano key into the field and click the OK button. You should see a confirmation message that the key is registered.
Restart this program and re-create all players to remove the krpano watermarks.
krpano watermarks:
The krpano demo version watermark is visible in the playe:
- Player – Preview
- Player tab
- All generated players
Displays this program’s installed version. Check for updates, view the release notes.
Open the newest log file or open the folder with all the log files.
About this PC
Displays the specifications of the PC.
Enterprise Version
360 Private Publisher Enterprise supports (manual) automation and (automatic) scripting.
Automation is available with the Enterprise version only.
Please contact us for a quote and the details.
User Interface (UI)
Export Configuration
Projects: Click the
button next to the project name and then click Export Configuration to create and export a configuration file for the selected project.
Import Configuration
Projects: More
Add project from configuration
Click the Add project from the configuration menu item to add a project from a configuration file.
What is covered by automation?
- Creation of a project.
- Creation of the project’s tours.
- Loading of project and tour settings.
- Clicking on “Start” buttons.
- Close the program when processing is finished.
- Option to delete all projects when done.
Things not covered
Settings for individual streetviews.
Only settings on the project and tour levels are part of the configuration.
All settings applied to an individual streetview are not part of the configuration for an automation workflow.
- Position
- Heading
- Status (activated/deactivated)
- Road name
Full Automation with the command line
This is meant for workflows that need to deal with data from many cameras for many months.
Scripting is a feature of the Enterprise version only.
Please contact us for a quote and the details.
Mass production
When running Enterprise from the Windows command line make sure that the current working directory is set to the directory of the 360camsters.exe file:
cd C:UsersmeAppDataLocal360camsters
Typical Example
cd C:UsersmeAppDataLocal360camsters
360camsters.exe –actions=”ImportConfiguration,DuplicateRemover,Publish,Close” –importConfiguration=”S:DownloadsDemo-20220421-124812.project-config” –processSkipTiles=false
- –actions
- ImportConfiguration – Add a project from a configuration file and open it. –importConfiguration must be set to the path of the configuration file.
- DuplicateRemover – Run Duplicate Remover with current project settings.
- Skip – Run Tools – Skip with current project settings.
- RoadNamesFromOsm – Run Tools – Road names from OSM with current project settings.
- DirectionFromPosition – Run Tools – Direction from position.
- CameraMountedBackwards – Run Tools – Camera mounted backwards.
- Publish – Starts the publishing process with current project settings.
- Close – Closes Creator 7 when finished
- DeleteProjectsAndClose – Delete all projects and close Creator 7 when finished
- –importConfiguration – Specify a .project-config file created by exporting a project configuration. This field is required for the ImportConfiguration action.
- –processSkipTiles – Adjusts the value of Preferences – AdvancedSkips creating streetview-tiles during Publish. Can be true or false.
Actions are executed in the sequence they are listed.
If any of the actions trigger an error processing stops and no other actions will be executed.
Each completed action creates an entry in the log.
Errors triggered by an action are logged too.
Each action logs a start and finish message to stdout.
This allows for optional progress tracking.
Configuration export and import
This is the workflow to duplicate your project settings.
This way data is processed identically. You need to press all required “Start” buttons manually.
Export a configuration as template: You get a .project-config file
Edit it
Import it
Press all the Start buttons needed manually. Make sure not to miss a Start button.
Close 360 Private Publisher
Export a configuration as template
It is strongly recommended to configure a project as the template in 360camsters 360 Private Publisher first.
Do not try to build a configuration file from scratch with a text editor.
Suggested workflow
Create the project.
Configure it.
Run it for testing.
Check the result.
Export it:
Projects -> PROJECTNAME -> More (3 dots) -> Export Configuration
Make adjustments manually to the exported configuration file.
Example configuration file:
Edit the configuration file
A project can have tours from different cameras (and recording vehicles).
Minimum change the tours name. If needed the tour path.
“name”: “Demo4-5m”,
“created_at”: 1597652281375,
“tours”: {
“camera-20181218-104940“: {
“yaw”: “0”,
“pitch”: “0”,
“roll”: “0”,
“imu”: true,
“exposure”: “0”,
“brightenEnabled”: true,
“brightenStrength”: “0.8”,
“brightenThreshold”: “0.4”,
“tourPath”: “E:2020inDemo4-5m”
Import the configuration
Projects -> More (3 dots) -> Add project from configuration
Apply settings
Click the “Start” buttons in the desired sequence.
Export-> Start
Update Policy
As long as you have a valid license (subscription or one-time payment) you automatically get the newest release.
At start the program automatically checks and displays a pop-up that allows you to update.
Additionally you can check yourself anytime at
Menu: About -> Version: Check for update.
Good Housekeeping
Backup often.
This way you can import the last “good” backup anytime to continue.
It is best practice to always have an up-to-date backup of both your data and the project backups on a disconnected drive.
If the drive is connected to your network and powered up it is just a copy, not a backup.
You can back up one or many project(s), tours(s), or just the player configuration(s) incl. the translations.
Sources or generated data (streetviews and players) are never part of a backup.
Data safety
This program can not edit or delete your recordings.
The program, this manual and various 360 recordings for testing.
Please update first.
Support is provided for the newest release only.
Support Portal